Recommended Redbook Under $5K

My Sony SCD-1 is now approaching age 5 and has taken a bit of a beating through multiple relocations during its time with me. It seems like it it might be time for a replacement. I have so few SACDs that this feature is not important - although I wouldn't object to SACD capability. There are so many new choices out there that researching possibilities seems a daunting task. Hence, recommendations on where to start would be much appreciated.

This unit will go into the following system:

Sonus Faber Cremona.
Accuphase dp65. There is one for sale for $2k here on Audiogon. The sound of it is similar to ARC sound.
I would try an ARC CD3 mk II or an used Audio Aero Capitole mk II. Both are excellent players in their respective price points.
>>This question is asked about every 10-14 days<<

Has it been that long already? Time sure flies when you're having a good time.
Budgeting $1000 for a receiver & $5000 for a CDP indicates a system out of whack to say the least. Happy hunting. It`s your $.
Have you considered having your SCD-1 upgraded? If the player is still in good shape then it might be a worthwhile (and relatively inexpensive) next step. As I recall the SCD-1, it is a very sturdy chassis with powerful bass, but which could be improved in detail, especially in the mids and highs.
My own redbook player is a Levinson 37 - like yours, a sturdy unit. For a few hundred dollars, I sent it to Joseph Chow (, who installed excellent output transformers and better internal wiring. The performance improvement was amazing.