Recommended Redbook Under $5K

My Sony SCD-1 is now approaching age 5 and has taken a bit of a beating through multiple relocations during its time with me. It seems like it it might be time for a replacement. I have so few SACDs that this feature is not important - although I wouldn't object to SACD capability. There are so many new choices out there that researching possibilities seems a daunting task. Hence, recommendations on where to start would be much appreciated.

This unit will go into the following system:

Sonus Faber Cremona.
My top two choices...

AA Cap II or RA Opus 21 w/ GNSC Mods

Though I'm with Tvad on this one. There's a plethora of info available in the archives.
Thanks for the input. I haven't visited this forum very often as digital is a secondary source for me. I haven't been looking for/thinking much about it for 5 plus years - so I wasn't aware that the subject has come up so often. Sorry to be redundant - I'll check back through the threads.



As for Porziob - where did you see anything about a receiver or $1,000? Not from me.
My opinion is that ARC CD3MkII in your case is a good fit with all the ARC gear you're using. Very good player that plays any type of music very well. Reads CD-Rs without any problems. Run CD3MkII into your LS-25 balanced and you will be very happy.