Music Hall CD25, Onix XCD-88, Rega Planet; Others?

I'm in the slow process of upgrading all of my components, and am fairly new to the audio hi-fi world, although I really love music. My old Adcom GCD-575 CD player is slowly giving out, and replacing it has become the obvious next step.

I've spent some time browsing over Audiogon, and other audio websites searching for a replacement, and have somewhat narrowed it down to the Music Hall CD25, the Onix XCD-88, and the Rega Planet original. As you can tell by my selections, I dont mind used, and dont have much of a budget either. I've read many good things about all three, but would like other people's opinions.

A little about my listening experience: I have had a Sony 508ES player, as well as the Adcom. I also have heard the Naim player (which was fantastic), and the Eastern Electric MiniMax (which would be ideal, but out of my price range). I love the sound of vinyl, the visceral feeling and "roundness" is wonderful for me, so I do enjoy the natural sound of music (if that makes any sense at all). Ideally, I want a player, and entire system that is very musical. I listen to my system for hours on end, so the imaging, etc would be secondary.

My current system is a Qinpu Integrated A1.0x, PSB Alphas, and the Adcom GCD-575. The Qinpu is new, and has a slightly warmer tone to it, with excellent mid-range. The PSBs will also be replaced at some point down the line, perhaps with Paradigm Studio 20s.

So I'm really open to your suggestions, either for the above 3 options, or any others as well. Also, what is the relationship btw Music Hall, Onix and Shanling?

Autre, may as well throw my two cents in. Keeping within my budget I also looked at Rotel, Music Hall, and the Onix. I also thought about an AH and Jolida but decided against the additional $300+. Also considered the CAmbridge Audio but in the end went with the Onix Music Hall clone. I can't really describe it but the Rotel for all the info coming thru it semed cold, very nice sounding but analytical. I bought the Onix-88 and upgraded the op amp. A couple of hundred less then the MH. For the price I am extremely satisfied. Detailed but musical also. I play mostly Jazz and Standards. It does pull the mid range forward but sounds balanced. One complaint that I have is that it takes its very long time spinning up burned CDs, they play well but takes up to 60 seconds to que them. Hope this helps and all have a great 4th!!
Hi Italian Dave,
Thanks for your info too. You basically were looking at the same models I'm considering, so I'm glad you threw your 2 cents in! Did you change the op amps yourself, if not, can you tell me where you got it done?
Wow, posting the question here is paying off far better than I thought it would. Thanks to all of you! If you have any other ideas, please let me know.

Happy 4th!
Autre, like you I owned the GCD-575. Last year, after many moves, the transport finally gave out. I listened to the Rega and loved it, but it was also in a much higher end system than I owned, and even the used ones were more than I wanted to spend. The MH 25 and the Onix are identical and I was able to buy the Onix new for half the cost of the MH. It gives up only a little to the Rega and fits my needs perfectly, as CDs are secondary to vinyl for me. When I get the bug, the Onix is very tweakable, and can be greatly improved with a little work.

Viridian and Italian are correct about the quirks of the Onix transport - it can be pretty slow. However, it will read anything I put in it, which more than I can say for the Adcom.

Whatever you decide, you'll be amazed at the improvement you'll hear. The GCD was a nice piece in its day, but the Onix or any of your other choices will be a big upgrade.
Thanks for the info Armstrod. Sounds like the same thing is happening with my Adcom. Hopefully I can pick something up before it completely gives out. Well, now there are 3 reccomendations for the Onix. Its sounding pretty good. I auditioned a Music Hall 25.2 yesterday, and although it sounded great, there was simply no point of reference since the components used were quite different from mine. I've been waiting for an XCD-88 to come up here, but I havent seen one yet, although that CD25.2 for $350 sounds awfully tempting.

If any of you are selling any of these, let me know. I also have an Adcom GFA-555 that I'm willing to trade for, as well as other components.

You might call AV123 and see if they have any B stock XCD-88/99s. That's how I got my 88 - it was never listed on their Web site. Their B stock stuff comes with full warranty. Good luck.