Music Hall CD25, Onix XCD-88, Rega Planet; Others?

I'm in the slow process of upgrading all of my components, and am fairly new to the audio hi-fi world, although I really love music. My old Adcom GCD-575 CD player is slowly giving out, and replacing it has become the obvious next step.

I've spent some time browsing over Audiogon, and other audio websites searching for a replacement, and have somewhat narrowed it down to the Music Hall CD25, the Onix XCD-88, and the Rega Planet original. As you can tell by my selections, I dont mind used, and dont have much of a budget either. I've read many good things about all three, but would like other people's opinions.

A little about my listening experience: I have had a Sony 508ES player, as well as the Adcom. I also have heard the Naim player (which was fantastic), and the Eastern Electric MiniMax (which would be ideal, but out of my price range). I love the sound of vinyl, the visceral feeling and "roundness" is wonderful for me, so I do enjoy the natural sound of music (if that makes any sense at all). Ideally, I want a player, and entire system that is very musical. I listen to my system for hours on end, so the imaging, etc would be secondary.

My current system is a Qinpu Integrated A1.0x, PSB Alphas, and the Adcom GCD-575. The Qinpu is new, and has a slightly warmer tone to it, with excellent mid-range. The PSBs will also be replaced at some point down the line, perhaps with Paradigm Studio 20s.

So I'm really open to your suggestions, either for the above 3 options, or any others as well. Also, what is the relationship btw Music Hall, Onix and Shanling?

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I thought I would update this post since I've finally made a purchase. After going through numerous reviews, forum discussion posts, and emails to owners of each, I laid the cash down for an Onix XCD-88. The warmth and top-loading of the Rega really appealed to me, but several factors swayed me to the Onix:

1)The ease of upgrade capability, which I've read results in a significant improvement in quality.
2) Very few negative comments about the unit.
3) I was able to pick up a B-stock unit from av123 for only $219, which included a 3yr warranty.
4) The production quantity is very small (500 per year), hopefully giving more care to build quality, and according to the owner (see below), each is hand-built.
5) I was able to speak directly with Mark Schifter about his product lines, and came away with the impression that he really is commited to the quality of his components, and service to his customers. Of course it may just be rhetoric, but it was much more reassuring (and pleasant) than getting the information from a salesperson with no first hand knowledge about the products.

The caveat of this post is, as I have mentioned before, I'm pretty much a novice in the audiophile world, and of course that does equate with naitivity. Hopefully the Onix will be all that I have been told, and all that I hope it to be. I'll post a review after a good listening session.

For all the reasons you list above, and based on my ownership and listening experience, I think you've made a fine choice, and you got an even better deal than I did! ;-)

As I continue to upgrade the rest of my system, I appreciate the qualities of the XCD-88 even more. Enjoy!
Used Arcam cd 23 or 92,these just are not your ordinary cd players they are outstanding,if you never heard one it would be worth it just as a way to judge other players,starting to see fewer and fewer of these for sale,I wouldnt put it past myself to buy a extra one when and if my 92 ever goes.You can buy all the 300 400 500 dollar players you want they wont come close to one of those Arcams.