What is the best cd playback system?

Do anyone have an opinion of what the best cd/sacd playback system would be?
1. The Ed Meitner/Emm labs system?
2. The full Dcs system, Elgar and Verdi la scala?
3. The Dcs P-8 one box system?
My system is Usher dancer series 8871 II speakers, Pass labs x-600 amps. I would really be glad if someone could help me with this issue.

Eyolf Lund, Norway
It`s beyond me how anyone could contemplate such a purchase without an audition. No one will have your equipment, listening rm. with its indigenous acoustics & sonic preferences.
You certainly list arguably the best cost no object options. But I have to agree, synergy of new gear w/ your system, room, & ears is crucial. Also, I would also consider the Audio Aero players, which are in the same league for considerably less.
Wish that I had your delema. Best wish's!
Porsiob is correct of course.

It would also help if you gave us:
A. A budget range.
B. Whether you wish to buy new or used.
C. What do you have now, and why don't you like it.

Once we have all the information we need, we can give you our informed opinions as to which units that should be on your audition list.