Harbeth hl5 vs Dali Euphonia SM4

I would love to hear some comments and opinions regarding the Harbeth Hl5 speaker vs the Dali Euphonia SM4. I play mostly electronic music at low volumes (rock (no metal)fusion, blues)
What I am looking for is definition. I want to hear each individual instrument not just a wall of music. For instance is there is a trio playing for example, Jack Bruce Robin Trower and Gary Husband trio or Jeff Beck live at Ronnie Scotts, I would like to hear each instrument seperately. This is especially true with the electric bass. I currently have a pair of Harbeth P3esr and a rel sub in a secondary system and previously had a pair of Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors with my main system. I will be powering the speakers with a pair of Pathos Classic I's that I have bridged, so about 140 watts per channel.
Thanks for any help.
Shakey - Yes I kept the speakers for 3 years. I was trying to make them work in my system with amp swaps. As a side note, I have other speakers to turn to(B&W CDM1SE and Proacs) when the Sonus Fabers are not singing. They look splendid in piano finish though, the main reason I (really) wanted to keep them but unfortunately it is the sound that matters.
I own Dali Helicon 400s and they have no problem placing instruments on a soundstage. They are not the most detailed speakers around but I prefer them to more detailed speakers I've owned like Audio Physics. They're more musical.

SACDS and DVD-As seem to draw tighter more separated images than cds. I don't know if high res downloads do the same though.
I also have Shl5. They are not the speakers you wanted. If you have lots of great music that are not best recorded, Harbeth will make them sounded tonally alive as if they were great recordings! On the other hand, for those Hi-Fi /Audiophile type recordings, Harbeth will not give you those effects. To me, Harbeth is magical mids and naturally realistic.