Transport for Bel Canto DAC2

First, my system:
Green Mountain Audio Continuum 1.5 Speaker
Rogue Audio Tempest Magnum Tube amp
w/JP Cables Maximum AC Gold Power cord
Bel Canto Design DAC2 DA converter
Bolder digital cable Interconnect
Silver Audio Hyacinth Interconnect
Zu Wax Speaker cable

I listen to a variety of music including jazz, rock, pop, electronic, etc. I currently use a Toshiba DVD player as the transport, but I hear too many digital artifacts, and I wonder if it is the culprit. Any suggestions? I'm hoping to spend under $400.
You might try a hard drive based system. I recently purchased the olive musica and feed it into my dac 2. Great results.
First suggestion would be to try a digital cable that is 1.5m long (assuming yours is currently shorter than that).

Second suggestion would be to find a used Sony S7700 or S7000...usually can be found on eBay for $150-$200 and are excellent as transports...
By artifacts I mean I hear harshness, and sometimes what sounds like pops. The Toshiba DVD player is just a cheap player - don't recall the model #.
Hi Philnyc. I believe my digital cable is 0.5m long. How would the extra lenght help?
Hi Jamesw20,

The hard drive based system sounds very intriguing, but it is out of my price range at the moment. Are they able to keep the hard drive quiet?