Any thoughts on the CD "trimmer"

I have read good feedback on the Audiodesk(I think that's what it's name is)CD trimmer.Supposedly many/most CD's are not round,and this aids in a perfectly round trim,as well as creating a correct edge angle.Does this thing really help sound?

Mlsstl you can theorize as much as you like but the proof is in actually listening.It is not difficult to hear the changes in sound produced by using the Audio Desk Systeme. It is easily audible with any system.
> It is not difficult to hear the changes in sound produced by
> using the Audio Desk Systeme.

For the technical details of the error correction of binary data storage on an audio CD, see which describes the IEC 908 standard that applies to every music CD you buy. (The Audiodesksysteme web site offers no technical information at all.)

Guess we'll have to agree to disagree about the impact. I've not heard a CD processed with this specific device but have had other systems that ostensibly improve the "scattered light" situation of a CD playing inside a player and have heard no change I can ascribe to that change.

I've also compared the audio quality of CD's to bit-for-bit verified hard drive copies (which involve zero light of any kind) and heard no differences (if the CD has not been damaged.)

However, I am also aware that when I am listening critically, I can move my head a couple of inches side to side or forward and back and hear subtle changes in the quality of the reproduced music. Forgetting the psychological issues that can affect our perception, there are certainly real issues that affect how things sound to us. I just don't think this is one of them.

However, this is one of the nice things about this hobby. I don't have to use the device to satisfy someone else's demands and they don't have to not use it if they believe it is working for them.
Mlsstl, I am totally with you. Oh, by the way, check out all the "crazy expensive" systems (more than $150,000)with pics on this site, that have speakers place directly next to windows, and/or with the speakers obviously too close to each other to produce a proper stereo effect. Some people suffer from the "just gotta have it" disease.
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Mlsstl: I purchased one of these units from a local audio store with full return privileges. After making direct comparisons with identical discs i.e. one "cut" and the other "uncut", the audible difference made me decide to keep the unit.

As a point of reference, i had my girlfriend ( at the time ) sit and listen to both identical discs, one cut and the other uncut. She had NO idea what was going on, and as such, could not have known which disc was "cut" and which wasn't. When i asked her which disc she preferred, if any, she always chose the cut disc. Her explanation was that "it sounds clearer".

To my ears, and several others that i've tried this test with, the results are almost always the same. Some folks can't hear any difference and to them, i simply say "count your blessings". After all, "ignorance is bliss" i.e. not knowning what they are missing because they simply can't hear it. While some might consider a loss of hearing acuity more of a curse than a blessing, the blessing part comes from the fact that it can be a whole helluva lot cheaper : ) Sean