Hi Guys,

So I have the latest EMM combo BEFORE the SE upgrade (I have a USB port on my CDSD, and latest software, but no SE on the DCC2). My question is: what tweaks have you made to this combo that you believe have made a significant difference? This includes power, interconnect, isolation, etc...

I find that my system tends to sound great, but it is a little sibilant! It also tends to be overly warm almost, and though there is detail, the mid range seems over pronounced without enough low end punch to ground it.

In comparison, but DV50 (unmodified) sounds less "analog" and refined to some degree, but displays a more punchy bass, a sense that the high's reach higher (more balanced in respect to the midrange). There is no sibilance issue with the DV50, although this source can sound tinny, or thin or overly analytical -> hence my reason to switch.

Here is some system information:

CDSD/DCC2 -> PS Audio P600;
Speakers: Paradigm Signature 2
IC's: All Virtual Dynamics Revelation and Masters
PC's: Provided Kimber Power Cords / Shunyata Copper head on PS Audio
Headphones (which I listen to most often): Sennheiser Orpheus HE90/HEV90

Currently getting custom built HEV90 replacement amp which should sound fanatastic (by Singlepower Audio).

thanks for any comments!


In my opinion, the first thing one needs to do after buying the EMM Labs combo is to find a great power cord and conditioner. The stock Kimbers are better than a regular PC cord but simply not good enough.

I had fantastic results with PS Audio P300 and the Elrod Power Systems power cords, first I used the EPS 2 Signatures and later the Statement II. Even the EPS 2 Sig brought a dramatic improvement in all areas but the Statements are the ultimate IMO. (of course there are other great cords out there and I tried at least a dozen myself but in my system these were the best).

A friend used Shunyata Anacondas with Hydra but I found the sound too dark with the Shunyata cables and artificially "sweet" with the Hydra. The EMM Labs combo is very neutral and this neutrality was somewhat lost with the Hydra, while the sound did not get worse of course, just there was a coloration of sound that I did not like.

As you already have a good power conditioner, the P600, it is a great start, I suggest that you should try the Elrods and some other high end power cords, this combo really deserves them.

Happy listening!
Did you ever get the Singlepower amp? What are the specs? How do you like it? How does it sound with the HE90's? How about with other headphones?

I have a HE60/HEV70 combo and am thinking of a custom Singlepower amp too.