Sony SCD C333ES / question about internal DAC?

Does anyone know what type of internal dac this older sacd 5 play has in it? Is it a non os type dac?
I bought a used SCD-C333ES a few years ago. Will newer CD/SACD players sound much better? From what I read, Oppo is not as good as a dedicated CD/SACD. I saw a used Sony XA-5400ES on eBay goes for about $800 but that price is on the high side for me. Actually the specs on the C333ES are similar to the 5400ES.

I bought a fairly recent Marantz AV7005 Preamp, so CDs might use player as a transport with digital out. I am so happy with the improvement of sound with separates compared to my old AVR that am wondering if I can find a better disc player also, or if spending more will have negligible improvement. Thanks.
That early VC24 chip set has it admirers. Some say it makes no difference compared with later, more integrated Sony chipsets, just fewer chips.

One useful feature on some Sony players is a choice of filter cutoffs. One can have a sharp low pass filter or a longer, smoother one. Your system response might make this an important audible change.

I did a big comparison of Sonys vs. an Oppo and found the Oppo a bit more forward and a tad rougher. The Sonys have a smoother texture but the delta is small.