Bow ZZ8 replacement

I am using a Bow ZZ8. The thing is now 7 years old and uptill now I haven't found anaything that compares. Although a lot of newer players offer more detail retrieval it's allways with a loss of musicality. Any thoughts on a player that offers both detail and cohesion?
Any thoughts on a budget? New or used? ALL kinds of answers will come out and some may be irrelevant or unsuitable depending on your starting point.

Among the "older" CD players out there, I think VERY highly of the ZZ-8 and would love to find one at some point (for a dirt cheap price of course) for a second system. I also completely agree with your assessment of ZZ-8's slight lack of detail retrieval vs absolute musicality. For this reason, I've always wondered whether it would be a good candidate for mods (though the chassis may not fit much else inside) in order to improve detail retrieval. Not knowing enough about what circuitry is most susceptible to improvements from mods, I do not know the answer.
I have had mine updated! Clear answer, and I may spill the beans, by mentioning danish VAT: They charge 1600€ plus shipping, but you may deduct 25%, which makes it a decent proposal, especially, as I prefer it in its exuberant understatement ;-)
I put it above three wonderful wooden ellipses which work wonders with this machine, peace..
Srill using the old version and put some Vibrapods underneath...did some wonders. Bow is now asking for 2.500 Euro for the latest update which make it to their opinion the best player in the world...any thoughts?