The current SOTA SACD player

My current playback includes the non signature version of the EMM Labs Dac's.As I am considering upgrading I would like to know what fellow Audiogoners think will better it in terms of smoothness and detail. Single box player suggestions are certainly welcome with the emphasis being on SACD playback as I have quite a few of these discs.
Fascinating discussion as usual. . . yet, I am still convinced that the BEST player in the world has not been built, and likely never will be. What is one audiophile's Nirvana, is most often than not another one's audio Purgatory. . . or actuall audio Hell, in my case, when I listened to one particular system, both digital and analog, from a European brand mercifully not mentioned in this thread! MAKSHACK, I discovered at the Denver Audiofest last week that you are not the only one to get heart palpitations when listening to nasty sounding aledgedly SOTA equipment. This thing was so grating that it made me long nostalgically for the brutal but honest enharmonic shriek of the high-speed drill of my dentist, when only two weeks ago he trapanated into my broken top-left incisor tooth with the aid of a diamond-tip.

Conversely, both the NWO-2.5 and the EMM Sig I heard in Denver sounded reasonably acceptable to my ears, if not exactly overwhelming.
the (...) enharmonic shriek of the high-speed drill of my dentist
OTOH, how does the drill do midbass frequencies (or do you switch drills)..
Gregm, my dentist's drill is a highly modded device sporting twin 6H30 drivers protruding gracefully from behind the handle. It has a marvellous midrange bloom. It is rumoured of having been re-designed by a former engineer of AudioNote.
Hi Guidocorona. It was really nice seeing you again.
There are numerous challenges to be faced when converging in an unfamiliar room with unfamiliar audio gear . This assortment of equipment had never been tested together. We had a very short period of time to dial it in and find any synergy whatsoever. What sounded good the night before the show started , turned into glare once 200 plus audio systems fired up and taxed the Hotels electrical grid. Our system went through numerous changes throughout a 72 hour period and pretty much came together only on the last day of the show. Every exhibitor faced this situation so our problems were certainly not unique. For me at least , it was a crash course in understanding the importance of balance . APL Hi Fi was a guest of the ESP room and we thank them tremendously for their allowing us to be there .
Guidocorona wrote:
Conversely, both the NWO-2.5 and the EMM Sig I heard in Denver sounded reasonably acceptable to my ears, if not exactly overwhelming.
Brainwater, I could me mistaken, but my read on Guido's comments is that the APL and the EMM Labs Sig I were two players at the show that did NOT fit the dentist drill analogy.