What is the best $1000 CD Player?

My Arcam Alpha 9 has died for the second time. I am reluctant to spend $ on another repair. My lond term goal is the Cary 303, but I nedd to spin discs now. What is the best CD player in the $1000 range. Somehow the Rega Apollo keeps rearing it's head. Help me make my decision.
I second the MHDT Paradisea Dac. Buy one of those Oppo's for a transport. Down the road throw a upsampler(Monarchy/Gw Labs) in between the two..and really get your mind blowed!
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Here be my vote.

Used, very cheap, old Rega Planet
Bel Canto DC-1 w/ Pioneer DV414, get to do dvd's too:)

New, Rega Apollo

Second the Arcam either cd 92 T or the 23 T,that said Im going to try a Rega to see how it compares to the Arcam ,not going to do it to soon yet but some time in the coming months,if it can beat the Arcam I will be surprised.