speakers for BAT vk-55 mono blocks

After 3 years, I am thinking about replacing my Vandersteen 2ce's with a pair of well maintained tube friendly speakers. Is it possible to power a pair of Wilson Audio WATT PUPPY 5.1's using VK-55 mono blocks (110 wpc) and have them sound decent? Are B & W n802's tube friendly? . I am wide open to suggestions. I am using a VK-32SE preamp. I can use all of the help I can get. Thank you for your assistance in advance.
Wilson's are reputed to be tube friendly. 110 wpc should wake up the N802s very nicely, as well. I've heard 802s sound v. nice w 55 wpc Lectron JH-50; 802Ds even better.
I auditioned WATT Puppy 8's with VK-55 monos. Fairly good sized room, and I heard no indication the BAT's weren't up to it. I also heard Sophia's driven by a BAT SS amp, and thought the Sophia/SS combo was more musical. Magical in some respects. This was in a different room, and I heard the Sophia's in a more near field set up. If the Watt Puppy 5's present a similar load to the 8's, I would think you should be fine.