Where do you go after a Dynaudio C1 ?

I have been scouting for a pair of speakers to replace my Dynaudio C1, which after many years of enjoyment I now find voiced to relaxed for my taste. I am looking for speakers that comes as close as possible to the raw sound and timbre of voices and instruments with minimal house coloration, speakers that energize a room to give an electrifying feel of presence, speakers that convey both refined subtlety and explosive dynamics with effortlessness. This have to be smallish, either a standmount or small footprint floorstander, must work in condo-type living room, and synergize with high power rowland amp I use.

Two speakers I have listened to and consider top candidates are the Magico V2 and Focal Utopia Diablo. These seem to possess the attributes I seek. Given my parameters, what other speakers do you think I should consider? Buying new with budget $15,000 max, less the better. Please note purchase will be in the Philippines, where most small specialty brands are not available.
Thanks to all your comments. The YG Carmel and Kipod has been suggested to me enough times that I might listen to these, fortunately there is a local reseller of this brand.

Pani, I understand you came from a Dyn Contour 1.3SE before the ATC. I enjoyed the 1.3SE for 3 years before the C1. The C1 is quite a sonically huge jump in all parameters.
Noelpastor, you are very correct, the C1 was a big step up from the 1.3se, but I also thought it has more of the Dynaudio voice. It was especially noticeable in string instruments. In fact the higher one goes in the Dynaudio chain the more the voice, just an observation.
You pretty much don't want to go with Vapor Audio after the experience I just went through with them. Flawed 6k speakers along with damged goods and a 7 month wait to boot.
A person who "tested" 70 speakers in 3 days or 3 weeks and makes recommendations.... well..after the 10th you don't remember how the 1st or 2nd was sounding. You are my hero-:)
Enybody with common sens wouldn't follow any recomendation of this "audiophile". To learn a piece of equipment and write evaluations one needs weeks if not months.. otherwise you make misleading statements.
And he writes ".. ATC that really sounded closest to the real instruments and voices" The very same speakers can sound totally different in a different system, with different cables and then maybe not so close to real ....Did you use all the poor speakers in the same system and in the same venue at least? If not you were "evaluating" whole systems including the rooms they were in, not THE SPEAKERS.
I'm shocked, 70 in three... congratulations.