Where do you go after a Dynaudio C1 ?

I have been scouting for a pair of speakers to replace my Dynaudio C1, which after many years of enjoyment I now find voiced to relaxed for my taste. I am looking for speakers that comes as close as possible to the raw sound and timbre of voices and instruments with minimal house coloration, speakers that energize a room to give an electrifying feel of presence, speakers that convey both refined subtlety and explosive dynamics with effortlessness. This have to be smallish, either a standmount or small footprint floorstander, must work in condo-type living room, and synergize with high power rowland amp I use.

Two speakers I have listened to and consider top candidates are the Magico V2 and Focal Utopia Diablo. These seem to possess the attributes I seek. Given my parameters, what other speakers do you think I should consider? Buying new with budget $15,000 max, less the better. Please note purchase will be in the Philippines, where most small specialty brands are not available.
Jkuc, I am rather surprised that we are the only ones who have noticed this so
far. I made a similar comment above (about Pani's speaker marathon) but it was
pretty much ignored.

Jp1208, I am sorry to hear you had such a bad experience with Vapor Audio. It
might be worth while to share this final experience with Vapor
speakers/company on the "Vapor Cirrus Loudspeakers Review"
thread. I have briefly considered these speakers, but fortunately I saw/read the
extremely long list of people complaining about this company.

To get back to the original topic, did anybody compare the Focal Diablos with
Raidho C1.1 and/or Vivid Audio B1/V1.5 speakers?

Also, I see that so far nobody has suggested Wilson Duettes.
Ok let say he really heard so much speakers briefly:) from morning to evening.I remember that in 2 hours time i checked 4 sets speakers.And still remember first impression of these speakers. And those first impressions of dynaudio confidence c4 confirms that confidence line has relaxed sound signature.So during 10 hours possible listen 20 speakers.In 3 days 60 speakers .May be more may be less.Depends how much audio shops located at the city.Usually shops are selling diffrend brands of speakers.
When I get bored with C1 sound I switch to Harbeth SHL5. These have more lively upper freqeuncies.The result: as though somebody pulled rug from the speakers.And when ears are very sensetive and suck kind of sound sucks me I switch to Dyns.
COmparing lots of speakers is a good thing for any individual to do before buying. I'd trust each to draw their own conclusions though and what one ends up picking for whatever reason should really have no bearing on what the next would choose, assuming that each auditioned at least several quality products. When choosing between multiple good products, the choice in the end usually boils down to personal preferences based on specific individual needs. So the findings along the way might be interesting but in the end it only matters what each of us listen to and like for whatever reason.
Another small room monitor that is very revealing of musical detail is the Ridge Street Audio Sasons. I have had a pair for some months now and they have loads of detail and pretty good bass for a 2-way. This may be due to the granite cabinets that weigh 140 lbs per speaker. Only thing is that they are more truth than beauty, so poor recordings sound just that, while fantastic recordings are fantastic. Great transparency and soundstaging, which is pushed back behind the plane of the speakers.
speakers that energize a room to give an electrifying feel of presence, speakers that convey both refined subtlety and explosive dynamics with effortlessness

may be not the speakers ,but source can not do what you wrotte.When I added to my system bryston bda-1 ,happened what you described.Even using usb connection, sytem reproduce vibrant midrange ,something similar to MBL sound signature.And when added musical fidelity v-link192.It destroyed this feeling,so I took MF link away .