Audio Aero Prestige vs. Esoteric X-01 Limited

Has anyone had the chance to listen to both the AA Prestige and the Esoteric X-01 Limited? I would love to hear comparative impressions.
Saxguy71, if you go to my thread entitled, Reference DACS: An overall perspective the following will make perfact sense to you.

The Audio Aero Prestige is a very type 2 flavor and the Esoteric is a very type 1 flavor. Both very good but not only different, but personnal taste and system synergy will really decide what works for you.
The system is as follows:

ARS Sonum Filarmonia
Merlin VSM-MXe loudspeakers
Cardas Golden Reference Interconnects and Biwire Speaker cables
Critical Mass Systems Grand Master Black Label Platforms
BPT 2.5

I am leaning towards the AA unit at this point. This is what Bobby recommended (in the Capitole).
I have an AA Prima Mk2 and auditioned the Prestige at length. AA makes exactly the type of sound I like. It doesn't sound like digital and yet has excellent resolution and timing. That is what I would go with.