reference 3a MM decapo ia or magnepan 1.7?

longtime mgIIIa-3.5 user/lover. heard & liked mg 1.7 but wife would prefer smaller speakers. any thoughts from someone who likes maggies & has also heard the decapos? i hope to hear the decapos sometime this month.
spoke with wally. no dealers & no client list so no luck so far. still thinking about speakers-3.6, 1.7, even 3.7, ref 3a, & so on & so on......

Congrats, and I hope you enjoy your Maggies.

Since you asked earlier in the thread about a Bay Area dealer for Reference 3A, thought I'd mention that the dealer whose name I couldn't remember earlier in the thread is Blue Moon. They're in Pacifica.

ty rebbi,
was hoping to go see len's place sometime. he's always been nice & informative on the phone. sadly, i missed out on a great deal he had a few months ago on mg 3.6's.