Esoteric dv 60 vs Lexicon RT10 informed opinions?

Hey all,
My father and I are working on his system and considering upgrade from his Lexicon RT10 to the Esoteric DV60, I know the Lexicon RT20 is out there aswell but from talking to a source I trust the RT20 only offers the advantage of DVI and HDMI but no real improovement in its performance in strictly musical use, so I feel no need for the RT20... but as for a DVD player the RT10 has always been good and has also served well for 2 channel red-book and 2 Channel SACD.
My question is if the Esoteric is better then how much a wide margin, moderate or narrow? I have listened to a Esoteric player and it was really nice although I cant recall the model as we were enjoying music not equipment that day, so please offer your thoughts on these 2 units.
I would prefer educated real world experience in your posting, "drive by" Postings that simply claim one is great or one isnt is a waste of both of our time, we have never found the Lexicon to be a poor performer so we are hoping to really improove his gear or not mess with changes and expense, associated gear is Lexicon HT pre (MC8), Audio Research SP16 tube pre, Classe C-150 Mono blocked, Panasonic TH58PX600U Plasma and Legacy Focus 20/20 speakers.
I should add that 12-15 hours a week of music and only maybe 2 movies are watched and his library is roughly 6,000 CD and SACD and 95% of his music is Classical/Opera.
As always thanks for your time and experience.
I currently have a DV60 but havent compared it to the RT20. I have a friend who has owned Esoteric source players almost exclusively, and he can afford and get his hands on anything. Based on that fact, I would say that an Esoteric player would not do you wrong, especially if can use an 1080p upconverting DVD player.
thanks for the reply Holenneck, just trying to make sure the purchase is worth the expense.
Hi I just upgraded from a RT-10 to DV-60. I used the RT-10 for 2 years and liked it, but it is not in the class of the DV-60. The picture is 3D like and sharp, The sound is much tighter in the bass and the higher frequencies are much cleaner and detailed. Also the seperation is much better, plus the 60 has way more features I would say buy the DV-60, You will love it.Robert