Best Transport with Museatex Bitstream DAC

I am looking for advice on what transport works best with the Museatex Bitstream DAC. Please, I am not looking for transport advice but simply advice from users of this DAC who have had some experience with various transports. Also, if you have a digital cable preference with a particular combination, please post that information also.

Happy Listening.
The biggest bang for the buck transport I had was the Theta Data II (big freakin laser disc) transport. I took it to a buddy's for him to hear and he begged me to buy it. So I sold it to him. It was the most regretful sale I ever made.
Then I happened upon an EAD T-8000. This is the big brother to the 7000. The 7000 is on par with the Theta. The 8000 is a very nice step ahead in transparency. I have two T-8000's now. One on my bidat and one on my bitstream. I would have to spend some serious cash to better them.
Hi Bigkidz,

Has your Bitstream been upgraded?

I have a Bitstream that John Wright did the complete upgrade along w/ extra power supply mods in July of last year. Obviously, a fantastic dac. JW also highly recommended the Theta ransports from the Pearl up as a great match.

I use a Moray James digital IC to connect it to a Museatex CD-D transport - a perfect match. JW fine tunes his upgrades using the Moray James cables. He considers it to be the best.
I have two bistreams now, one was just modified and I am letting it break in. Will compare them this weekend.
I just purchased a Museatex Bitstream DAC .Seems like you have two and one has been modified by John Wright. I haven't received it yet and it should be here next week....nice Christmas gift must say! It is unmodified and maybe this will be enough for me I am not sure until I play with it a little. I understand John uses Black Gates. Are there any other caps that John uses? As you can tell I am excited. I have over 3000 discs and I want to get the best out of them . I tried on a few other occasions to purchase a Museatex and the units were SOLD before I could buy them . Really I feel like I hit the Lotto jackpot. Thanks!!!!!!!
