Best Transport with Museatex Bitstream DAC

I am looking for advice on what transport works best with the Museatex Bitstream DAC. Please, I am not looking for transport advice but simply advice from users of this DAC who have had some experience with various transports. Also, if you have a digital cable preference with a particular combination, please post that information also.

Happy Listening.
I have used two Museatex Bitstream DAC's in the last 6 years. I use to also use John's personal Museatex transport which he heavily modified and sold after he was disposing of most of his setup. Like others I used a Moray James Cable which was light years ahead of anything I had used prior and in direct A/B comparisons to other expensive cables. My current DAC was built from the ground up and I received it around April of 2010.

Having said all of this tonight I sent John a lengthy email on results I've had using an Apple TV and streaming music ripped on my laptop using iTunes in WAV format. He was curious as was I. Not only is this entire setup the best from a pure perspective of accessing music but as I reported in my findings to John I believe what I'm hearing is better then any other transport I've used and I haven't even begun to fool around with higher quality glass based fibre cables.
I know some will see this as heresey and I don't want to start a " do power cords work" debate, but I and several other Bidat and bitstream users feel that Shunyata power cords or an equally serious brand enable these units to perform at a much higher level. Most digital designers will agree that power has a huge effect on digital gear. FWIW.
Agree with Vhiner, I sold him my Bitstream in which I installed a Gold Furutech IEC inlet using a Shunyata King Cobra PC and it sounded off the charts.
After some extensive listening, I have to post here that I think the PS Audio Perfect Wave transport is the best transport I've ever heard with a Bitstream or Bidat. I could detect no jitter and it's more liquid and analog-sounding than anything I've encountered. I've not read one negative post or review about this transport's performance. So, I bought one.

Some of the used prices I've seen for them are truly a steal. CD's ain't dead yet and probably won't ever be, IMHO.