Sanders 10c/d + Magtech + tube preamp

Hi everyone,
I am considering to buy a full system from Roger, but I thought about using a tube preamp instead of sanders' preamp. Anyone has an experience with a combination of the 10c/d speakers + Magtech with tube preamp? Do you have any recommendations?
If you have heard and like the sound of the full system from Roger, then why go a different direction? Use it for a while and see if there is anything you want to change/improve. It will all sound different in you room smells find out what it sounds like before making a move.
thanks for the response. I have got the idea.
I actually haven't heard the system. Roger Sanders offers it for 30 days trial at home, but I think it is going to be technicaly too difficult for me to return it.
Yes, i am a little confused...
I am not from US butI am going to be on November in Miami and NY, I hope to find a dealer that has it ....and to have the opportunity to hear it.
I don't have experience with the Sanders amp but since the input impedance is 100kohms there shouldn't be a problem using a tube pre with it.

I like the combination of a tube pre with a ss amp. Tubes can add a little richness to the music. Try to listen to an Aesthetix Calypso with the Sanders if you can.
I have the new 10D's and a pair of magtechs and the sound is truly amazing. The new aluminum driver really puts them over the TOP. I added a tube phonostage and adding tubes to that solid state signal path was pretty incredibe. My preamp is an ayre (solid state - had Rogers but my CD player overloaded the balanced inputs - but an uber quiet and highly resolving preamp it was-still have it here, unused currently). I live in NY (on Long Island - 60 miles east of NYC). You are welcomed to come for a listen if you wish.

remember - tubes can add NOISE.
A friend of mine owns a full-Sanders system, another friend uses Sanders preamp+amp for his Martin Logan loudspeakers. Both systems are connected via full-balanced and speakers Sanders cables.

Preamp from Roger is really excellent and in my opinion it is hard to imagine the need for a replacement.
