Wadia 861se with GNS vs Esoteric or Emm players

Hello, I'm ready to send my Wadia 861se to Great Northern Sound in the next month for their Reference upgrade. Would I be better off selling the 861se and finding a used Esoteric X-01 or Emm Labs transport&dac. Having SACD might be kind of nice. Has anyone compared these three? Thanks! Stan
Leonx: I'm not at all surprised that you found the 808 to be better than the X-01. The X-01 Limited might be a different story, however; and then of course there is the APL NWO 2.5 to consider as well. I wonder if anyone has actually directly compared these four: EMM, X-01 Limited, APL NWO, 808. Now THAT's something I'd be very interested in.
I also did a lot of testing sacd comparred to redbook and dvd-a. I bought many sacd's and also the same records on dvd-a for my work. All the dvda's where a lot better than the sacd recordings. I did a lot of blind testing for our customers. People where not that enthousiastic about sacd. The media lied to all the audio fans. Many people of the studio's said to me that a master recording is way beyond comparred to a sacd recording. I hope at the end there will be a new system what brings us closer to a master tape.
Sacd is a system what is incorrect and not natural sounding. I hope there will be a system what will sound more natural. But until now we have to wait for it ....
Leonx SACD is incorrect and not natural sounding?What
cd player are you using?