Wadia 861se with GNS vs Esoteric or Emm players

Hello, I'm ready to send my Wadia 861se to Great Northern Sound in the next month for their Reference upgrade. Would I be better off selling the 861se and finding a used Esoteric X-01 or Emm Labs transport&dac. Having SACD might be kind of nice. Has anyone compared these three? Thanks! Stan
IIRC Leonx has a Meridian 800. I don't think it can play
SACD. I know him and he thinks that the 800 is the best player in the world.
It is not correct because the proportions of an instrument and also voices are many times to big. Pcm gives a better individual focus and the right proportion. I am using a Meridian 800 Dax v4 ( and no I am not pro dvd-a ) I talked to people who make recordings in studio's and they also don't take sacd seriously, me either. The only thing I like from sacd are the low freq. All the studio people say: sacd recordings are still a big distance from a master.
I don't think the 800 is the best player in the world and I am either not a dvd-a fan. I am a fan of music and I prefer music as natural as possible. And that means also the right proportions and a natural sound. And sacd can't do this, that is a fact. There is no person in the studio world who will dissagree.
Leonx, a lot of recordings studio's are using the Meitner Dacs.
Alsoo for SACD recordings,and they are very very good.
For Metralla. I know people who claims the same as you. I just quoted Sugdens words regarding SACD (the deaf thing). He gave up SACD very fast. I've heard SACD on the Sony 777 many times as well, and both the owner and I hate SACD. Another friend of mine who is really into digital and build his own stuff (he is quite a talent) told me, that he hated SACD too and claimed that this media is low technology even compared to red books. This statement I can not tell anything about, since I know very little about digital in general. However, we are some guys here in Copenhagen who actually have some pretty nice stuff, ex. we all play at beryllium and build most of our gear ourself and all of us think that SACD sucks. Stuff we are playing at is TAD, GOTO, WADIA, Krell Reference series, AN Kondo, EMT, SP10, Garrard, home made hyper triode amps and more. Hope this list gives you an idea about my words. thanks, Tadman