Lector Digicode/Digidrive vs Esoteric and Cary?

I realize this thread should probably fall under the "wretched excess/leave well enough alone" category, but here goes:

For the past six months or so I've owned the top-of-the-line Lector transport/DAC combo, and I find it gloriously musical.

But my audiophile-neurotic imp is whispering in my ear that the Esoteric X-01 that I briefly owned a year ago was more involving and exciting, but maybe, just maybe, less musical and "right." And the old fingers are beginning to itch.

I don't really have the sonic memory to compare the two sounds in any meaningful sense.

Anyone out there with recent experience with the Lector combo and the new Esoteric X-01 Limited? I gather that the new Cary is also a "contendah." (I'm not quite ready to spring for the EMM combo).

I appreciate anyone taking the time to read this and respond.
Aolmrd1241, that's really good to know -- I'll look into it. You don't happen to live in NJ, do you? I'd love to invite you and the beast over for a listen. -- Bill
The Lector CDP-7TL Mk 3 is here and sounding really good, very musical but not euphonic. The separates are a step up from there.
Bill, sorry,don't live in Jersey but I sure do enjoy the coastal region there. Good luck in finding a cdp of your liking. Give gnsc a call,I'am sure Steve would be more then happy to talk shop.Good luck & Merry Christmas...