Did anybody get horns figured with triodes ?

Hi I am new here, out of loop along time, did the horn get figured out with low power or are there better setups available for a life like presentation.

I do not know about now but back a while ago I finally figured out the fewer gain stages the cleaner the sound but how can you run a speaker with less than 5 watts?

Thanks for replies! I love records too!
I use SET PP SS etc on my horn systems not all have synergy with SET power but most do.
If you're not bass freak, than other part of sound is sweet. I had diy 6l6(in SET design triode only) based amp 4...5 wpc and was powering JBL 4312 vintage monitors that are 94dB efficient. the bass went down to 48Hz flat and to 41Hz with 5dB slope. I could get 97db/m SPL when turned volume all the way up. The volume control was initially passive but then I decided to use 12AT7 NOS Telefunken single duo-triode for both channels.
The total cost of SET amp and speakers were in $150 ballpark when I built it 15 years ago.

I use three speakers with horn loaded upper ranges. Altec 19, JBL Apollo and Klipsch Cornwall. The Cornwalls are 100db sensitive, meaning that they will play at 100db with one watt input. So yes, they run easily in my big room with less than 5 watts. In fact they will run you out of that room with a 71A amp that outputs around a half watt.

But that gets to the other part of the equation. Large horn speakers need large rooms IMHO to sound good. Smaller horn speakers are better for small rooms.

There may be better setups for likelike presentation, depending on your definition of lifelike. Big electrostats and some mult-driver speakers can sound very lifelike, but without the jump factor of horns. Even some minis, like the KEF LS50 can get you there, but everything is scaled down a bit for a smaller room.
Viridian disagree with the large horns needing large space to sound right this is wrong from my findings. If properly set up a large horn doesn't require any more room than other designs just maybe a bit more floor space and even that's debatable since most horns can be used in corner or by wall unlike monitors that require stands and need to be away from room boundaries these designs actually require more floor space than a large horn. I've used quite a few massive horns as computer speakers in near field office system.