Would this fix a scratched CD?

Would this work to fix a scratched CD?"The Original Lens Doctor" (As seen on TV!)
p.s. I'm serious here. I honestly wonder whether this would be easier and/or more effective than some of the CD repair kits and machines. It would seem that actually filling in the defect is an option potentially superior to using a CD repair machine to grind away the rest of the plastic to make the surface even with the scratch. Anyone's thoughts would be appreciated, especially if someone knows a reason it would NOT work.
It depends on whether the scratches are just on the surface, where the stuff might help, or deep enough to destroy the pits that represent the "ones" and "zeros". Of course, the error correcting encoding of the redbook CD will "fix" quite long disruptions of the digital data stream.
well..."as seen on TV" would be my first red flag.

Eldartford makes a good point...are the scratches just on the surface...or are they deep enough to damage the layer where the information is encoded.

Personally...I would think that what might apply to a pair of eyeglasses would not apply to a cd.

Also...with the cost of stuff related to our "hobby"...would it not just be cheaper to replace the damaged medium (CD) with a new one. For example...if a cd is $15 and the disc repair machine was $150...then I would assume that one would need plenty of damaged CD's to make it a worthwhile expenditure. Not to mention...will it work?

I hope I made sense here because I just had my first few drinks in a looooong time...lol.