budget cd player

The more I read about it, the more I change my mind...
I know many threads cover the subject, but every scenario is different from others and I would like to have your input :

After waht I have read (and seen) about NAD players having hardwear problems, I do not have much trust in it.

I considered the CA 340c, than figured I would be better to go for a better DAC and settled on the 540c.

Than I read the Marantz 5001 is the best there is in that price range.

But since the 540c V2 is not in that price range, it may still be better.

But that was before I found out about the Onix CD5 (formerly known as the cd-99). Great reputation, low price. WOW!

But is it any good without the OPA627 upgrade?

I know you will tell me to trust my ears and to get on with it. But most of these are to be listen to in different stores and in different systems, hence difficult to compare. As for the Onix CD-5, it is to be ordered -- can't even hear it.

I also know there is always a better machine for just 100$ more, but believe me : I cannot go for moer expansive than those listed above.

One thing I have not said : I often feel my speakers a bit heavy on the bass and would like to give a lighter feel to my system.

Thank you all!
I just bought the Onix CD5. I have had it for a few weeks. No complaints. I have a Mcintosh MA 5100 Integrated and heritage Klipsch La Scala speakers. I am not a sound expert. I just try to make my money go as far as possible. I have an extensive collection of live music that was recorded by audience mics or through a soundboard, so a lot of my cds are burned cd-r media. I have had only one cd not play in the new player, so I am hoping not to run into more cds that won't read. I was a longtime owner of NAD equipment. I have had several NAD cd players over the years. Several of the newer NAD players had problems reading some of my burned cds, so I had to start looking around for a new player. I ended up getting the Onix and have enjoyed it so far. Very solid looking piece of equipment. Good luck!
save your money. live with what you have until you can afford a more expensive player, preferably with tubes.
i have been disappointed with solid state players, such as arcams, nads, marantz players, cambridge players, etc. .

most of these players are not musical in the sense of timbrally inaccurate.
Mrtennis : of course I can't go wrong with better equipment.
The choice I am about to make has been awaited for too many years already. Plus, I will not upgrade the rest of my system for many more years and it is not that great (yes, its an euphemism and I figure you would be disapointed with it).

Yet I am not miserable with it.
Except for what I use as a cd player : the cheap DVD player I bought as a temporary solution stops between tacks and it is driving me mad.

So here I am looking for a sub 500$ machine.

Call it bad if you wish, I will see the solution as the "less-worse" possible.
Would you consider a DAC to use with the digital output of your DVD player? Since you're not paying for the transport, remote, etc., you may find the value of a stand-alone DAC appealing. I would look at offerings from PacificValve.us (which also sells a few low-priced CD players, all with a 30-day return option), MHDT Lab (look for his DACs selling on Ebay), or a number of used DACs here on the 'gon. I cannot comment on the sound of these DACs, but common sense would suggest better sound quality for a DAC costing itself what a one-box unit does.
there is a few music hall cd-25 used. for your price considerations, get one they really do a good job for a few hundred