What are your general thoughts of B&W speakers

What do you guys think of B&W speakers. Specifically, the 800 series diamond line. What are their strengths and weakness? I know I will get quite a few different opinions on this subject. If you had 8 to 10k to spend on a pair of towers, what would you choose? I prefer to buy new so, for the sake of this discussion to new retail products only and stay away from used. I have listened to the B&W 804 diamond quite a bit. I don't have any high end dealers near me but, I can make a drive to audition some brands within an hours drive. What should I sit down to listen to in this price range?
No doubt a lot of vendors have been nipping at B&W's heels in recent years, but in defense of B&W, they seem to be holding their own pretty well in regards to popularity, at least in the US with the more mainstream and less esoteric remaining B&M shops, despite there being perhaps more formidable alternatives out there these days than ever.

Both local major remaining local audio/video shops in the Baltimore metro area still carry B&W but also seem to carry more alternate brands, like PSB, Totem, QUAD, Polk, Thiel, Vandersteen, and Monitor Audio. B&W has a very solid brand reputation developed over the years in its corner.
I own 800 Diamonds at the moment. They sound better and better with every small upgrade. Great speakers.
Mapman.I agree with what your saying.IMO its an old brand with an established name.Doesnt mean anything really to me.My closest B&W dealer reps lots of speakers including Magico.In converstaion I asked him about B&W,his comments were customers come in with a madeup mind and buy them,no salesmanship required,nor typically any other additions."I just keep my mouth shut and sell em what they want hence I stock em".

" An argument as old and tired as the brand". "Abbeys heyday was 3 decades ago..." My friend you are misinformed.

They main reason Abbey road still exists is because it has everything. It is one of Londons only studios apart from Air that can hold a large symphony orchestra, and is home to some of the finest collections of mics, resources and people.

Dont for a minute underestimate them. Abbey road can have anything they want. Every idiot tries to get their equipment in there.

Nearly every prestige film score recorded in the UK is done there. (Lord of the rings/Harry Potter, Star Wars etc) So all the finest engineers and producers go there because they get the results they need. This includes the monitoring. All you have to do is look in the utility rooms or under the stairs to find any speaker (admittedly many forms of top end B&W speakers).

Do you think that a manufacturer like B&W, with the experience they have could somehow not be able to make speaker systems to compete? They have probably forgotten more than most guys know.

B&W actually build their own drivers. Not OEM guys plonking in other people's parts( aside from caps which are made to their specs by mundorf).

Of course monitoring is a very personal thing, but you cannot be serious if you believe they haven't made a speaker worth auditioning since the 80s. That's just daft.
...outside the fact B&W now out sources everythink outside the 800 series to China and Abbey road studios means very little to me as far as what a great speaker sounds like,im as serious as a heart attack.The original poster asked "for general thoughts" for the brand and I gave it,my opinion..Simple enough