To Former owners of Jolida JD 100

Now that you've moved on to other cd players, what in hindsight were the negative charachters of the JD100? I've seen a lot of positive reviews but mostly from current owners. How does the JD 100 compare and contrast with your present player? Was the JD100 involving? How's the PRAT?
Thanks so much in advance.
I had the JD100 and loved it as well. I noticed an improvement from tube rolling and from improved isolation. I didn't try different power cords. I have an all-tube system and I thought it had an analog-like tube sound to it. The only reason I sold it was because after I set up an Apple Airport Express, I found myself listening to my wireless music server more out of covenience, and finally, I decided to sell the JD100.

i owned the jolida for a while. i tried all variety of tubes--12ax7, 12au7, 5751 and 12at7. the sound barely changed. it has no tube warmth. it sounds like a very transparent, unforgiving cd player.
Mrtennis (Threads | Answers)

Your ears must be terrible then.
I found it quite easy to tell differences when I owned mine. A friend of mine bought my GE black plates and he is amazed at the difference.
LOL, you tell 'em Sam! I could easily tell Tube and Powercord changes with mine as well.

After reading my above post I realize I was not kind enough to the Jolida. I enjoyed it very much and can heartily recommend one.

Aball summoned up its weaknesses well (everything at this price point and well above will have them). I would add that this player has plenty of attributes as well. Not the least of which is a magical ability with female vocals.
ditto Sam's & Distortion's comments on the Jolida responding to tube rolling. I've had a have dozen different sets in mine and it wasn't hard to note differences. Yes, some were subtle differences, but others were hard to miss. Best tubes so far were a pair of Raytheon 5751's died a couple weeks back :-((. I went out looking for another pair and noticed Raytheon 5751's have gone up a bit in price...if you can find them...ouch. I've had the player for near two years & like the sound very much(listen to traditional jazz, vocals, acoustic..). I don't see it leaving my system anytime soon.
i accept the perceptions of all who who reported hearing differences. i didn't hear nay. there may be reasons for my situation which pertain to my stereo system, or i may have a higher threshold for acknowledging differences. there is another possibility. my jolida may have been different, sonically than others.