Audio Research cd8 production date

Is there a way to find the production date of a ARC cdp 8 based on the serial number other than the original invoice, which in this case is missing?
The situation in short, I have bought an ARC cd8 from a hifi shop in U.K. which claimed the item was 1 year old, after receiving it I had to open the case in order to install the tubes and I saw year 2008 on the print plate; looking better through the delivered papers I couldn't find any original invoice to backup the claimed age which increase even further my frustration (the provided remote control matches my ls26 but it doesn't work with the cd8).
The hifi shop story perfectly matches Brf's words, Malcolm, is that you? Just kidding...I have sent it back, the shop agreed in writing to fully refund but it might take a few days to see the money; it seems the cdp came from a trusted customer who, apparently was mislead by an ARC dealer.
Bruce, I would very much like to find a young and reliable cd8 just to complete my chain of ARC components - ds450 and LS26.
Nmf_69, glad it all worked out. As an aside, I contacted about the age of my CD-8. Turns out the build date was sometime in 2009. I since e-mailed Kal to inquire if the unit should be serviced. I surmise that Kal will say "if it 'ain't' broke, don't fix it."

ARC's advice on the "care and feeding" of the CD-8:

"Hi Bruce,

"The CD8 is pretty maintenance free. The main thing is to replace tubes every 2/4000 hours and keep the laser door closed when not in used. I would visibly inspect the laser lens for dust. If needed, lightly brush off with a very soft camel hair brush use for cleaning photographic lens.

"Other than that, no service required.

"Best Regards,

"Kalvin Dahl"
Hi Bruce,

Perhaps I should have tried to keep it and obtain a significant discount considering the real the moment it's back to the dealer and I am waiting the fully refund, though it seems rather difficult to find a second hand cd8 or cd7 with upgraded power supply
Hey Nmf ... all's well that ends well.

It's been my fortunate experience that all of the ARC gear I've bought (pre-owned or refurbed) has been in pristine condition. But also, ARC gear just doesn't wear out (in the R&M sense) all that quickly. The bigger "risk" relates to "upgrade-itis." Without exception, every change-out has been a move up the ladder.