Audio Research cd8 production date

Is there a way to find the production date of a ARC cdp 8 based on the serial number other than the original invoice, which in this case is missing?
The situation in short, I have bought an ARC cd8 from a hifi shop in U.K. which claimed the item was 1 year old, after receiving it I had to open the case in order to install the tubes and I saw year 2008 on the print plate; looking better through the delivered papers I couldn't find any original invoice to backup the claimed age which increase even further my frustration (the provided remote control matches my ls26 but it doesn't work with the cd8).
Nmf ..., I used to own a CD-7 with the upgraded power supply. I've read comments from folks who said they loved the CD-7. IMO, I think the CD-8 is a better all-around sounding unit.

I appreciate your frustration. On occasion, I see that a pre-owned CD-8 is up for sale on Audiogon. But since you're in the UK, the challenge is even harder because presumably you are looking for a 220 volt unit.

Wish I could tell you to grab the other CD-8 back, but I am not comfortable giving such advice. I place extremely high import on transparent trading. I'm not disputing your sense that the dealer was unaware of the age issue. Even though I don't think age per se is a big negative with ARC products, especially if well treated and loved (:o), the mere fact that there was a undisclosed wrinkle starting with the original seller gives me pause. How could you possibly know whether he or she sincerely loved the CD-8. LOL

I guess the good news is that there are many fine CDPs in the marketplace *with* terrific multi-media capabilities --which the CD-7/8 does *not* have.

Good luck!

Hey Nmf ... take a look at the link below -- CD-8 for sale from an ARC dealer in sunny California. This may not be of much help because it's a 110 volt player.
Hi Bruce,
Thanks for the nice words, I live in The Netherlands so I'll stick with the 220V models...I know people who invested a lot in big 220-110v converters just to be able to purchase the gear in U.S. ...