Audio Aero Capitole - 6021W subminiature tube ??

I would appreciate hearing from someone who can explain the performance of these tubes in the Capitole, including the typical life of the tubes, whether they are susceptible to becomming microphonic or noisy, and how to purchase or change them if necessary. I believe I read these are really small (like the diameter of a pencil) and that they are soldered onto the board. If that is true, is it then necessary to send the player back to the distributor or manufacturer if they need replaced, or are these readily available and set up for user installation? How many years is typical for the tubes to perform in the Capitole before replacement is necessary? Thanks.
Oh, there was no problem with mine either - I got used to the gradual sound degradation! It wasn't until I installed new tubes that I realized there was a problem before. Besides, I didn't want to wait until an obvious issue "popped" up. You never know how much damage a shorted tube can make and I don't like waiting to find out! For $20 and 1 hour of my time, I am off to a fresh start - and my Prima sure sounds like it too.

how much is it for a pair of 6021 tubes. do the SE upgrade really need cryo tubes. or changing capacitors make major difference. V caps are only $100.

comments please

Thank you in advance
AA Capiyol reference - SE upgrade

i got V caps directly from their web site for $100.


1 pair of 6021W cryu' from another site for $75

looking for that vibration pads. Any idea whwrw to buy that from ?