Dyanudio Xeo 3 Wow

I bought a pair of these for my bedroom to replace a big system on a rack I had there before. I needed something simpler and hopefully didn't disappoint to much. I did not expect these to sound as good as they do. I've owed a lot of different stereos and in my travels this has got to be the best bang for the buck I've ever heard. These little speakers seriously rock and fill my 12x15 bedroom to the brim with excellent sound. If you had an interest in these speakers I can highly recommend to check them out they are the real deal. I am feeding them a digital signal from an Apple TV that I stream to from my iTunes library on my computers. I don't know how Dynaudio has packed so much into such a small box that produces such a big sound. They have hit it out of the park with this one in my opinion.
I've heard the Xeo's and owned some other active Dyn's (Focus 110A's and BM5A's). The Xeo's are interesting though I'm not sure they're as good as the others.

A good alternative to the 3's are the AVI ADM9T RS. They have 2 digital inputs, 1 analog, a sub out and are remote controlled. Pair them with a decent sub and you have an excellent, relatively discrete system that is tough to beat for the price.
The 110A is based on the Focus series (one up from the Excite) so it's not surprising it sounds better.
So upon further investigation, it was the xeo 5 that that I was listening to the other day and they did sound incredible. They were being played through a $10,000 moon dac, which I'm sure helped, but still.
The xeo does not need a DAC the DAC is part of the transmitter in fact I dont see how a great DAC could even come into play with these. I guess you could feed the analog inputs from the DAC but that seems weird to not just run a straight digital signal to the transmitter.

Once again after a little more time with these I am still blown away. I would almost consider just replacing my main rig with a set of the floor stander xeo 5. They might just be lacking a little air on top but these little guys are seriously amazing for the price.
Yes, my impression is that all one needs with teh Xeo products is a source, either digital or analog. The wireless transmission is done using a digital signal. That is a good thing, although it sounds like the wireless technology used might be Dynaudio proprietary. That has advantages in terms of being usable out of the box, but an option using wireless LAN similar to a network music server and player would be desirable to make the system more open with less lock in to what might be Dynaudio proprietary technology. Not sure about that. I would need to read some more.