if Sony had been around earlier - format wars

for those who gave you beta, sacd and now blue ray
always intent on a format war

if sony had been around earlier

turntables would spin both clockwise and counterclockwise

8 track tapes would have competed with 10 tracks
or in a spinal tap world 11 tracks

edison would have given up

rome would have fell to both barbarians and format wars as the cariot would have been redesigned to fit in wider wheel ruts
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xaudiotomb
sony's insistance on content censorship is guaranteed to kill their great ideas every time. always bet on artistic freedom.


I recall another thread about a 5.1 center channel where someone wanted it to come from the rear instead of conventionally. I am sure they could oblige.
The size of the space shuttle is based upon the distance between ruts on Roman roads, which translated into train track width, and therefore Shuttle width:)
Look at the follow clip http//:www.scottmcleod.org/didyouknow.wmv
and decide how long any format now dominant will last as we zip along.
I ahve to agree with AudioTomb. Sony seems to go out of its way to introduce formats that become orphaned in the marketplace. In addition to the aforementioned Beta, etc. don't forget that Sony also brought us the Elcassette and the MiniDisc formats. How many of you have either of these formats?

This is the main reason why I am sitting on the sidelines waiting for the Blu-Ray/HDDVD battle to be decided. Based upon historical performance, I wouldn't bet my dollars on Sony this time around...

Long before VHS and DVD porn drove technology. The earliest commercial application of photography was for porn.