Sealed vs. Ported Speakers

Are ported speakers inherently inferior to sealed speakers? If so, why?

It seems the higher up you go on the speaker pecking order, the ports disappear. Same with subwoofers, ports disappear as the price goes up.
Ported speaker designs are not inherently inferior.

Perhaps you should have phrased your question "what are the pros and cons of ported vs. sealed designs?"
"Are ported speakers inherently inferior to sealed speakers?"


Like most things, it all depends the devil is in the details. Generalized conclusions will generate debate but not hold water in all cases. The best/right speaker in any particular case may be ported or not.

The key value of porting is to extend bass extension in a smaller cabinet than otherwise. If that does not matter in a particular case, then there is no reason to go for a ported speaker but expect a bigger product and additional cost to achieve similar results with low end extension if needed. Room acoustics play a big part in regards to what will sound best.
What are the pros & cons of sealed and ported speakers?

Why are the most expensive types of speakers sealed?

Are there any $20k and up ported speakers?
What are the pros & cons of sealed and ported speakers?
(The port can be used to increase efficiency or extend the low frequency response but not both at the same time. The response drops at 12db per octave below the cutoff whereas a sealed speaker drops 6db per octave below cutoff. Sealed speakers will inherently offer a tighter, better defined bass note than a comparable ported speaker. However, design, materials, and implementation will offer benefits and trade-offs for either design.)

Why are the most expensive types of speakers sealed?
(They are not. Wilsons are ported, Magico's are sealed as two prominent examples.)

Are there any $20k and up ported speakers?
(See above.)

(I have both types of speakers, but overall I prefer the sealed box speakers of which I have three pairs.)

(I always liked the description of the port as a resonating column of air no longer directly controlled by the woofer)