Sony XA5400es vs XA777es for sacd

I just concluded 3 month compasrison of these two models-
In my opinion the xa777 has more bottom weight & musical satisfaction w/SACD then xa5400.
For Redbook the xa5400 is better..
The 5400 sounds good w/sacd until you compare w/777 then the difference is apparent.
That would explain why one is heavier & origionaly cost double.
Does anyone hear the same?
Since I didn't think much of my XA777, you've sure disabused me of any thoughts about buying an XA5400 :-)
I agree, at least in my system the 777 was better, so I sold off the 5400. I tried both over a six month time frame before I made the decision to give up the 5400. Next comparison, after the holidays will be with an oppo. I still think SACD is an under appreciated media form. I have dual copies of some titles and the SACD is vastly better, at least to my ears.