No love. Why?

It seems like everytime I mention I have Paradigm studio 20's v5 in my system someone is always trying to convince me to change them. Is there a problem with Paradigms I'm not aware of or Is this just the the friendly banter that exists.

Don't take this too serious just wondering.
Those people are either: Jealous, and want you to waste time worrying.
Folks just wanting to worry for no reason at all except to generally make trouble. (trollish behavior)
They are crazy and thinkand write whatever because the little voices telling them what to write are torturing them psychologically if they do not,
Trying to sell you some other speakers.

I would NEVER worry about what anyone writes on any audio site about my stuff, for the two reasons above.
If they have someething constructive to offer, I will consider the comment. Otherwise. LOL...

All that matters is you like them. 100%
I say, replace your Paradigms with Evolution Acoustics MMMicro Ones and let me know what people comment. There will ALWAYS be [at least] one person on forums who will not like them or any other speakers/components. So why care? Live your life the way you like and forget about what others have to say. Enjoy your music - that is what finally matters!!
As long as you are happy with the sound that is all that matters. There will always be a better sounding system. And there are many many many people that will tell you that you need to do this or that. That makes them feel better about their own system. Those are friends, those are insecure ego driven people that have a need and try to fulfill it by degrading your system. Don't waste your time listening to them, that is valueable time that you could be listening to your music on your speakers in your home that you bought with your money that earned with your hard work. These people I have found are jealous and or insecure and a waste of time. Paradigm makes a wonderfull speaker in the market range they aspire to fit for each model. Why do you think there are so many sold?
Don't worry about it and enjoy them. I own Harbeth and occasionally I see a post come up where the only people that post on it are Harbeth haters. I never reply because everyones entitled to their own opinion. If you can listen and enjoy the music without being too critical you're way ahead of most people here. Let the music be your hobby and not the gear. If it sounds okay to YOU let it ride.
The Studio 20s are very good speakers!! Do NOT listen to the naysayers, you have some very nice speakers there. Just sit back and enjoy them....
