Budget of $30K. Help me build a system

Hi all,

I just got around to unpacking my Merlin VSM-M's from a few international moves and have decided to rebuild since I sold off a lot of my gear in those moves. I have a budget of about $30k. Will be setup in a pretty small room of 14x8

What remained was an Aragon 8003 and a Lexicon MC1. Not really an ideal setup for these speakers.

I'posted in "Speakers" because I am under the impression that is the component you start with and should build around. So looking at upgrade paths I've almost decided on the following:

Master VSM-MXM (sell my VSM-M) $13,600- $2k = $11,600
Ars Sonum Filamonia SJ ESM $4,300
Bryston BDP1 $2500
Bryston BDA1 $2500
Cardas Clear ~$3000
GIK Acoustic treatments $2000
Equitech Son of Q balanced power conditioner $2500
Hi-Fi Racks Podium Reference $2000

Which brings me to $30,400k.

Am I missing anything? Any concerns with the synergy of selected components or do you think they marry well?

Problem I have is I live in a location where I am limited to what I can audition in person. So a lot of this I will be buying deaf...which is not ideal. It also limits me to what I can buy used since there isn't much of a market here and with shipping and power issues doesn't make it cost effective in most cases.

Thanks for your advice.
Well if you are going to be buying all this unheard then buy it all used and you can cut a lot of those prices nearly in half.
Several manufacturers have a program in which you have a month to audition the speakers at home and the option to return them is you are not satisfied.
Are you familar with setting up a system in a 14x8 room? That is a serious challenge! Especially to justify the bucks you are about to spend.

You have to set up your system in a nearfield set up and many speakers are not heard to their advantage placed so close to the listener. I don't know about yours though. Personally I would be seeking out electronics (at least) that do not have a tonal emphasis on the upper-mids or highs which are normally rolled some by the difference in distance from speaker to ear in a set up other than nearfield.

Don't laugh but in a room that size I would get some very high quality monitors, supplement their bass with a sub woofer which can be set independently, location wise, to avoid bass problems and drive the system with high quality tube electronics appropriate to the speakers.

Probably unuseful advise but you asked.-)