What is new with the Memory Player?

I have read that this player is the next great source at the online mags. Have others heard this player and is it currently being sold? What are the impressions of those who have heard this machine? Any information would be nice since I have read almost nothing other than what is contained in the magazines. Bob
Tbg: Just getting the transport for now. My DAC will also serve as master clock.
Been reading this thread that was pointed out to me recently by my dealer. Very interesting indeed and such wildly varied opinions about this Memory Player!

However, this company is on the right track: hdd mass music storage with the ability to reproduce analog quality without the known side effects. I applaud this company for its endevors, and although it seems that this product is still in development in several areas...no doubt its the stuff of the future!

Bravo for this invention, and when the value proposition is right, count me in as a customer!
mtkhl57:" Bravo for this invention"

none of us are sure what's been invented yet. let us know when you find out.

To Todd,

The Memory Player uses proprietary software and processing which extracts a pure bit perfect copy of the disc on to a hard drive, then the data is processed, then played back from solid state ram.

The only other player that does this is a $100k Sonic Solutions work station, also Exact Copy does not do this either!

Even David Chesky of Chesky Records is impressed by the Memory Player, and how good it sounds.

Also many critics are smitten with the Player and most reviewers agree that the Memory Player is a breakthrough and have purchased one.

A Toyota Prius is a car that has an engine, however, it also has an electric motor and a control system. A Prius drives like a regular car yet offers superior gas mileage.

A Memory Player is a computer with a hard drive, ram chips, proprietary software and in principle works in a similar manner than any hard drive based server.

The difference is in the details,