Anyone in New York with Grand Veenas?

Hi all, is there anyone anywhere near Westchester NY that has a set of Reference 3A Grand Veenas that I might be able to listen to? I'm thinking of getting a pair would and would like to hear them first and there are no dealers in NY. I know we live in crazy world with crazy people so I would gladly provide professional and personal references that I'm a nice normal guy. For what it's worth I'm professional musician and I do shows for young children, families, along with the more usual gigs.
Thanks, Chris.
The Canadian importer, Divergent Technology, will offer an in-home trial and offer a discount on the speakers. You buy them, try them and if you don't like them, you ship them back at your cost.
You mean to say there's no dealer in the greater NYC area that carries Reference 3A (I'd also like to hear them somewhere around here)??? If that's true it is certainly an "interesting" business model they have. I'd think there would be at least a couple dealerships that would be interested in that line. Strange and disappointing if it's true.
I contacted them a year ago or so to ask the same thing ... "are there any owners in the area who might let me hear them before I buy them". They told me Harry Pearson was the only one with a pair in the area, and good luck getting that old queen to let you into his house.

So I offered to rep for them if they could discount me a pair. They said no way. So I opted out for a friendlier solution.

Yes, strange business model.
I too would love to hear these speakers. I did hear a pair of Episodes in a less than optimal set-up and was duly impressed. The high frequency performance was astonishing as good as ANYTHING I've ever heard. Wonder what the deal is here?