Isolation devices and CDPs

Do isolation devices really work under CDPs (I own an EAR Acute)? If so, which isolation devices work best? And how/why do they work?
bright star audio big rock. you will not believe the difference when you put this under your cd player or any other piece of equipment
This is one of those "results vary" issues. Some people get an improvement, others don't. A few may even end up worse off.

First, some CDPs may be more sensitive to vibration than others. This could include the laser reading circuit, the DSP and analog circuitry or all of them.

Second, what is the source of any vibrations? Bass from speakers? Walking across the floor? An elevator in the apartment building? Heavy traffic on a nearby street?

Third, how is the vibration being transmitted to the player? Airborne only? Floor joists? Is the equipment stand for the CDP picking up or damping vibration?

One can continue to analyze this at even more detailed levels. The point is that there is not a one-size-fits-all answer. The product that cures a problem for one person may actually aggravate issues for another, while a third person may not even have a problem that needs fixing.

It certainly never hurts to experiment with something on a trial basis, but avoid approaching the issue with the idea that you MUST have an isolation platform.
Thanks. What about vibration from within the CDP itself and not from outside sources? Some manufacturers of isolation devices claim that their products act as sinks to bleed vibrations from within the CDP itself. My floor is 12+" thick concrete; and the CDP is housed within a cabinet that is built-in, made from solid cherry, and has a soapstone top.