PC-Audio vs. High-end CD Player-GAME OVER

Hi All,
I just auditioned the Wavelength Audio Cosecant DAC on a very nice system at the local dealer. It was run through a Hovland 200 preamp , a Plinius amp and Avalon Eidolon Diamond speakers. This is all in a very well treated, good-sounding room.
It was, in a word spectacular. Beautiful tone, excellent bass, imaging soundstaging, etc. What was really amazing was a sense of space, or ambience that was imparted. We then compared the same CD's (Diana Krall, Jennifer warnes, some jazz), on a Levinson CDP. I'm not saying that the levinson is the last word in players, but it was what he had on the shelf.While it sounded good, it was much more bright, and "constricted".
Control was through an Imac using I-tunes, and the CD's had been nurned using Apple Lossless.
I ordered my Crimson on the spot.

trust me, it's over. The CD was a transitional medium at best. Maybe it won't settle at USB or HDD for storage, but one thing is for absolute certain. CD's are dead, dead, dead!

I stand behind what I say 100% and will be the first to apologize if I am wrong at a later date. As someone who works in the IT industry in the research sector, and sees the writing behind the wall, take it from me consider it over. The shipments of the two types of storage media alone are a tell-tale sign. HDD being the winner.

Dust hasn't completely settled on where it will end up, but right now, lossless files piped in via USB or firewire are a good bet.

CDs are for ripping at this point, not putting in an inconvenient and archaic player with all sorts of transport induced jitter to-boot. I will take a Cosecant, or Crimson over ANY modern day CDP anyday.
Everything is replaced by newer technology at some point and that includes lossless files piped in via USB or firewire, but I think that cds will be around for a while yet. I'm still waiting for everyone to start dumping their cd collections. Hasn't happened yet. Home theater hasn't killed 2 channel stereo yet as was predicted a few years ago either.
GAME OVER indeed!

I can't wait for those "dead CDs" to hit the market. I got some really nice "dead vinyl" collections that way too.


So I guess vinyl is dead too? I think not. Seems like people prefer convenience over the end result. I could see the pc stuff for non serious listing(sort of like a tuner), but not for a serious sitdown. Not everyone is computer savvy or is into carrying $3000+ laptops around or have a PC within reasonable distance of their system. CD's will be here for awhile.