More than one CD player

I'd like to ask the forum how many of you out there use more than one CD player in your system (same amp or receiver) and alternate regularly and why? What do you get from doing that? I find alternating is refreshing and keeps the listening interesting. You get a different perspective on the same music from more than one CDP. So how many of you do this?
My standard cdp is a Resolution Audio CD-50 with a Linn Genki as an alternate. Just as you stated in your question I like a different perspective once in a while. For a while I was picking up a used player every couple of months and have been able to try quite a few "flavor of the month" players. It was very educational. Some of these players were less than enjoyable.
As for the Linn, I was the only bidder in a Agon auction but don't want to part with this little gem.
I use two CDP one tube and one solid state, as you stated it keeps the listening interesting.
i have 2 cd players and a dac. the cd players are the audionote cd 2 and the vincent cd s6. the dac is designed by john tucker of exemplar audio.

i purchased the vincent, earlier this year when the audionote exhibited tracking problems, i purchased the dac this month, as i thought it provided a more robust presentation than the dac in the vincent.

i prefer the audionote. it is much "darker" in its presentation.

when i review other components, i use the vincent, as it provides greater resolution which is necessary when attempting to uncover the characteristics of a component under review.
Thanks everyone. Interesting responses and explanations. I haven't heard of some of the brands mentioned such as Resolution and Minimax but that's what this forum is all about. Learn!! Hey Timhru, what have you done with all of those CD players you've picked up. Sell them on Audiogon? Just curious.

Yes, I can understand that one CDP may be enough. I have a 7 year old NADC541 but purchased a Rotel RCD1072 after comparing them at my hi-fi store. The Rotel produces more detail on the higher end but I still love that NAD sound. I just purchased a Marantz DVD (720p/1080i) player to match with my new Sony LCD TV. But the audio from this guy is superb too. Now I have in reality 3 CD players. I may consider selling the NAD if any of your gonners would be interested. It doesn't like CD-R's (skips occasionally) but if you only play factory original CD's and no copies, than it works well. Thanks again.
I have two CD players, one is a Sony SCD-1 that I use for more serious listening and the other is a Sony C333ES that I play whe guests are over. Although the SCD-1 is clearly the better performer, the 333 sounds decent, all things considered. As an aside, I'm into vinyl, so the two players get less time combined than the turntable.