More than one CD player

I'd like to ask the forum how many of you out there use more than one CD player in your system (same amp or receiver) and alternate regularly and why? What do you get from doing that? I find alternating is refreshing and keeps the listening interesting. You get a different perspective on the same music from more than one CDP. So how many of you do this?
Pdreher - I have the same AA and the Arcam 23T. The AA Capitole is amazing. I've had it for a year. The 23T still can not be beat for HDCD. Simply amazing detail on HDCD. I finally got it a few months ago, brand new, unopened. WHat you heard is true. Arcam has only gone downhill since.
Pdn, do a search in the archives for Resolution Audio; excellent cdps. The CD-50 is their first player, I believe, with outstanding sound. Listening to HDCD encoded discs through the balanced outputs it is as good as I've heard from redbook.
The other players have all been sold, mostly on Audiogon and usually at a near break even price. I don't think I've lost more than 5 or 10% on any player. That's a bargain for the opportunity. If you don't mind crating boxes off to UPS or Fedex it's a wonderful way to listen to all the gear you read/hear about at little risk.
I have two: an Audio Aero Prima mk2 and a Sony C333ES. The former is for redbook and the latter is for SACD and parties (5-disc changer). Both do their jobs very well.
