Is Sony XA9000es superior to Esoteric DV 50s?

Comparing CD sound. Musicality, dyamics, soundstage and detail.
>>I don't understand why Stereophile rated it A+.<<

Isn't everything in Stereophile Class A?

Maybe they should have degrees of Class A such as A++, A+, A-, and A--

It would be much easier for the consumer to make decisions.
The Stereophile A+ rating for digital devices is based on the device's SACD or DVD-A (or both) playback. It does not apply to its CD playback. Look at their A, B, C, etc categories for relative CD ratings.
Stereophile specifically rates SACD players on the high-res performance (read the intro), so the ratings can be consistent with the Esoteric having the best CD playback.

That said, I don't put much value in their ratings. Treat the list as a list of components that they have tested (or tried) which doesn't completely suck.
Chadnliz, appreciate your response. Any chance you've had an opportunity to swap the players within one system to better identify sound differencs?
If you remember the review of the XA9000ES, you will remember that it got it's A+ rating because of:

1) SACD playback quality was exceptional
2) The best available and most flexible multi-channel adjustment capabilities and bass management (in the analog domain).
3) iLink

Now, if items 2 and 3 mean nothing to you, then you might not want this particular machine.

Having said that, I own the XA9000ES. AND I don't use iLink or Multi-channel. However, I have owned other SACD players and this is the only player that has FLAWLESSLY played all my SACDs. Every other player has had one or more problems with SACD playback. One player had so many problems that I detailed all the problems and sold it on auction for $1500 less than I paid...

The DV-60 is almost assuredly (I only heard it once) better sounding in red book, and may even be better in SACD, but the XA9000ES is the only audio component in my system that I would not consider upgrading.
