Is Sony XA9000es superior to Esoteric DV 50s?

Comparing CD sound. Musicality, dyamics, soundstage and detail.
I'd take Esoteric DV-60 (or SA-60 if you don't care about video) anytime over XA9000ES. The Sony sounds clinical, IMO, and the transport inside is not even remotely close to the VOSP transport in the DV-60.

The DV-50 was somewhat Pioneer based (transport and DSP), sounded nice too, but I think the new SA/DV-60 are more desirable.

Better yet, you might want to save for the new Esoteric X-05.

Thanks Alex. I haven't heard of many complaints about the XA9000ES transport or anything else, seems reliable. I have found isolation and conditioning a great benefit. Any chance you used them with the Sony? Could you comment on the differences in detail & transparency, dynamics & bass between it & the 60 for Redbook CD replay? Is it possible the 9000 has the potential to sound as good in a different system as the 60 does in yours?
Is the X-05 replacing the SA-60? What are the advantages of one over the other considering how close in price range they are going to be?
No. Its not a case of one model replacing another. This is a case of different target markets. The SA-60 supports multichannel DVD-A and SACD in addition to CD. The X-05 is a stereo only (SACD/CD) playback device.