tube cd for bright system

This comparison may have been asked before but I can't find it.

I am looking for a well built tube cd player(new)and am willing to sacrifice sound for reliability and have narrowed it down to the two below as I can get both as 220v.

1. Jolida CD-100
2. Opera Consonance CD-120 Linear (non oversampling)

From all the reviews/comments I have read here and elsewhere, it seems that both are very good but the Jolida seems to lack PRAT. Any comments.....

Bel Canto DAC-2 is pretty smooth sounding with great bass. Not bright at all. I had this dac and used a $60 dvd player with it as a transport at some point. Excellent sound even with the cheap dvd player. The key is to get a good digital cable though. Virtual Dynamics NiteII was really awesome on this dac. Extremely smooth highs and natural sound top to bottom. To beat the DAC-2 with NiteII cable you'll need to spend twice as much at least.
Benchmark is more digital sounding than Bel Canto. At least it was in my system and several other people I know reported the same.