Tekton Pendragon Audition in SF Bay Area?


I spoke with Eric about the Pendragons yesterday. He suggested I post to this board to see if there are any owners in the San Francisco bay area that would let me demo the Pendragons.

Since I have a JTR Orbit Shifter sub, he suggested the SEAS Pendragons, but I'd like to audition either version.

If you live in the area and can help me out, let me know, thanks!
I thought I'd bump this thread since I didn't get any responses. Nobody in the bay area has Tekton Pendragons?
I just saw this thread. No, I don't own a Tekton product and I live in Portland Oregon. Still, I realize that the reviews on these are sparse, they still are out there. While what is out there is not professional, oh well.

From what I have read The 'regular' Pendragons are very dynamic while being a bit recessed. Recessed is not a bad thing, if sitting in the middle of the auditorium is your thing. What I am saying is that those were markers I used, from reviews, when I purchased my Zu Audio Essence.

Mr. Alexandar has some sort of return policy. I would suggest that you chat with him and work out an 'agreement'. The 'agreement' is up to you two fellows. Bottom line, take a leap of faith and enjoy the music. I am so glad I found Zu as it has brought me to the point of constantly loving the music that I am hearing.

Once again, take that leap of faith and purchase the Tekton Pendragons SE. I probably would have purchased them had I not found my Zus:)
Hi Dale, thanks. It looks like I might not have any luck in my area with the Pendragons, and I'd prefer to just audition them at an owner's house, rather than buying and trying myself.

Some people at another one of my threads were saying they preferred the new Zu Omen Defs to the Pendragons, so at this point I'm actually more curious to hear those. Not sure what kind of luck I'll have finding an owner of those either.

I may end up just buying the JTR Noesis. Those were AMAZING, and I have heard them. Still, I'd like to check out some others that can compete with them before purchasing. Maybe I'll start another thread looking for Zu Omen Def owners in my area.
Just keep in mind the JTR's are designed to be used with a sub. The Def's are considered full range...