HELP Best speakers btw 1000$ and 3000$. Real tests

anybody here have compared the Eminent technology LFT-16a (1000$) to other speakers like psb mini etc...

that planar push pull midrange with no crossover btw 250hz and 7.5kz is really really keeping me from looking elsewhere right now.... the others i'm looking at are ERAudio electrostatics mini panel(500$+shipping from autralia, but need sub and matching amp) or evolutions acoustics MMicroOne :)

the amps that i'm interested in right now in order are musical paradise mp-501 kt120 paralllel single ended no negative feedback tube amp (1300$), parasound a23 (1000$), bryston b60r (700$)...

for dac i'm looking into schiit gungnir (750$ without usb) or musical paradise MP-D1 with usb (550$ + better tube (30$)) (tube stage with AK4399 dac)
I really need advise please anybody :)

lets say btw 1000-3000$ for the speakers less $$$ is better
btw 400 and 1400$ for the amp less $$ is better
btw 500 and 1000 for the dac less $$ is better...

in total i dont want to go over 3500$ and i don't mind if i need to upgrade later some parts like the amp.

If i choose lets say the evolutions acoustics mmmicroone at 2500$.. i will of course buy a lower cost 400$ amp and maybe wait for the dac..
Someone on another forum said the Kef LS-50's when pared up with a Unison Research Simply Italy tube amp is hard to beat at...any price.


What kind of sound are you looking for, what kind of music do you listen to, how big is the room, and how loud do you expect things to go?

Hard to recommend anything without this info. Everything sounds different. If you've provided this info prior just reference the post date and I'll find it.

I attended the 2012 Newport Beach Audio Show and heard so many hifi-ish speakers there that I was actually relieved to get out of there. That being said, two very inexpensive and impressive small two-ways there were the Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOnes and Fritzspeakers. I ended up buying a pair of the EA speakers, and in my small room, they are the best I have heard, including some designs up to $40K. I highly recommend these two companies if you are looking for sonics that sound like real music being played and not some hifi-ish, fatiguing, punch-and-sizzle designs.
You should seriously consider this package, for the price it's absolutely unbeatable. I only own the monitors and wouldn't trade them for anything at least three times the price if not more.
